God bless dear brothers and sisters; I hope you're all well!
First of all, I want to thank everyone who attended the welcome luncheon for Father Andrej and Protinica Kristina. Special thanks to all of you who, with your selfless effort and work, contributed to making this special day go smoothly and welcoming all our dear and esteemed guests as they deserve. We should all be proud of our unity and inexhaustible will and desire to help our holy church.
A few weeks ago, we held a meeting of the church board, which was attended by a large number of our parishioners who are not members of the board. On this occasion, I want to share with everyone the conclusions from the mentioned meeting and suggestions for further action.
Please read carefully this email and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
1. Financial report: It was unanimously agreed that in the future, monthly financial reports will be posted on the bulletin board in the church hall. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the same, especially if you are unclear about the expenses.
2. Sunday Luncheons: It was also agreed at the meeting to continue with the current practice regarding Sunday luncheons. We believe this is a very blessed endeavor that has improved our parish since its inception and brought us closer to each other and to our holy church. It is is a blessing to share Sunday lunch, surrounded by all our saints, as well as with people close to us.
However, on this occasion, we would like to invite and ask others to join us in preparing food for Sunday luncheons. Below you can find a form where you can sign up if you want to help with food preparation for one of the upcoming luncheons. Any help is welcome, from simple salads to gourmet specialties. If you are unable to open the form, feel free to contact Protinica Kristina Pavlovic or the president of the Church School Council, Dr. Jasmina Jovic. Of course, you can also contact them if you want to host a luncheon in memory of your deceased loved ones, family health, etc.
Also we are still looking for sponsors for one of the big holidays in this year (Easter, St George, Pentecost, Dormition, etc). If you would like to sponsor one of those lunches please let us know.
Form for registration CLICK HERE
3. Monthly Cleaning and Maintenance Responsibilities: As many of you know, before the pandemic, we had monthly responsibilities that we unfortunately stopped practicing during that period. Our goal is to resume the same practice and thus help with the cleaning and maintenance of our holy church, church hall, and Sunday school. Below you can find a form where you can sign up for one or more responsibilities. The idea is that during the last week of each month, one family takes responsibility to thoroughly clean the church, hall, or Sunday school. You can sign up for one or multiple cleaning activities.
Form for registration CLICK HERE
4. Lazarus Saturday mini-retreat: Finally, dear parents, we ask you to reserve April 27 and bring your children to spend the afternoon hours at the church. Our teachers and a close circle of collaborators are diligently working on preparing a very educational and interesting program for our little ones. More details and official invitations will follow in the coming days.
Thank you very much if you have read my email to the end. I would be even more grateful if you have any comments on the above-mentioned topics and reach to discuss the same.
In Christ,
Mirko Sebez
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