Parish Council 2020/2022
Office / Position Name President Mirko Sebez
2nd V. President Mira Stratton Secretary Nancy Helbich Treasurer Dimitrije Jovic Financial Secretary Dragan Miljkovic
Members at Large Milos Tanasic Njegos Zubic Maria Meyers/Secretary Aleksandar Nikolic Nikifor Hartzler Vera Mitic AUDITING BOARD
President Mirko Sebez Members Aleksandar Karajic-Member Dragan Miljkovic – Member Petros Dantsis
Tutors/Readers: Luke Rinck Nathaniel Anderson
Delegate – Diocesan Annual Assembly: Fr.Petar Petrovic –Priest Mirko Sebez –President Mira Stratton – 2nd Vice President
2022 ELECTED CHURCH BOARD 2022 –ANNUAL MEETING DECEMBER 12, 2021 -Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Petar Petrovic 1.Mirko Sebez President 2.Adam Meador- 1st Vice President 3.Mira Stratton -2nd Vice President 4.Nancy Helbich-Secretary 5.Dimitrije Jovic-Treasurer 6.Dragan Miljkovic- Financial Secretary MEMBERS AT LARGE 1.Amber Elizabeth Thomas –Member 2.Njegos Zubic- Member 3.Maria Meyers- Member 4.Mihail Radu Leca- Member 5.Ljubinka Bozic –Member 6.Vera Mitic – Member AUDITING BOARD 1.Mirko Sebez - President 2.Aleksandar Karajic-Member 3.Tatjana Oroz – Member
1.Michael Aidan Ramey – Member 2.Luke Rinck –Member 3.William Nicholas Thomas
2.Mirko Sebez –President 3.Mira Stratton – 2nd Vice President
2021 Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Stavrophor Petar Petrović Parish Council: President - Mira Stratton First Vice President - Dragan Miljkovic Second Vice President- Treasurer - Dimitrije Jović Financial Secretary - Petar Miljkovic Secretary - Nancy Helbich Tutors - Adam Meador (Reader) Members-at-Large: Decebal Mihailescu Dusan Petrovic Tatjana Miljkovic Auditing Board: Marijana Obradovic Gordana Uveric Lidija Petrovic
Past Presidents of Parish Council
Glesin Emil Joseph Mishurda Jack Stayin Mike Miladinov Radico Miladinov Dragi Nikolich Milan Brakus Wade McFarland Milan Zavisin Dušan Todorov Čedomir Đoković Veljko Uveric Milan Obradovic Mira Stratton
The Parish Council is a group of stewards in good standing who are caretakers of the church property as well as the financial and social aspects of church life. The Parish Council helps the Parish Priest in these and other matters. The council represents, works, and acts on behalf of the entire community. Pray for them because all that they do is followed or preceded by many temptations. Their task is not easy, but someone must do it. May God bless them and their loved ones. |