St. George Serbian Orthodox Church
5830 Glenview Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45224, (513)542-4452
/ Groups / Sunday School
Sunday School February 2022
Помаже Бог драги родитељи,
Пре свега извињавамо се на овако касном јављању да сумирамо наше последње дружење са дјецом. Дан по дан, обавеза по обавеза и никако да сједемо да напишемо пар ријечи.
Прошле недеље ми смо се дотакли приче о Богојављенској водици. Причали смо о самом чину освећења воде у цркви, потом свештеничко обилажење домова и освештавање истих, те како и када да користимо свету водицу. Ми смо искористиле следећи чланак за разговор о Богојављенској водици и топло препоручујемо свима да прочитају
Такође смо се дотакли и државних симбола и обиљежаја Репблике Србије. Разговарали смо о застави и значењу свих боја. Дотакли смо се и грба и симболици детаља на грбу. Дјеци је наравно најзанимљивији дио наших активности било цртање заставе и грба Републике Србије.
Детаље о симболима Републике Србије можете наћи на следећој интернет страници
Пишите нам ако имате било каква питања везана за школицу, или ако тражите неку књигу или одређени едукативни материјал за своје малишане.
Наредно дружење заказујемо 27.02.2022. Са нестрпљењем чекамо наше малишане!
У Христу Господу,
Чланови Школског одбора
Свештеник – о. Петар Петровић ( )
Учитељице Ђука Шебез ( ) и Данијела Зубић ( )
Dear parents,
We just wanted to send you a few lines about our most recent Sunday school meeting. First of all, we want to apologize for sending you this email a bit later than expected. Somehow past few days were packed with various activities and writing this email just slipped our tasks.
Last Sunday we talked about the Theophany, and the meaning and use of holy water. We talked about the traditional home blessing during the period between Theophany and Easter. You can find more information at the following web page:
We also talked about the national symbols of the Republic of Serbia. We talked about the Serbian flag and what each color represents. We also decrypted the national coat of arms and what each symbol represents. For kids the most interesting was drawing of the Serbian flag and coat of arms! More information about the national symbols of the Republic of Serbia:
Our next class will be on, February 27th, 2022. We are so excited for our new adventures, and we look forward to seeing all our students!
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, or if you are looking for a specific book or educational material for your children.
School board members,
Priest: Fr. Petar Petrovic
Teachers: Danijela Zubic and Duka Sebez
Sunday School Progress and Pictures 2021 2022

Sunday School Progress 2021 and 2022 - 01/31/22

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Поштовани родитељи, драга браћо и сестре,
Позивамо све заинтересоване родитеље да нам се јаве и пријаве своју децу у српску школицу Св. Ђорђе у Синсинатију.
План нам је да нашу децу учимо српски језик и културу као и основна начела Православне вере прилагођена њиховом узрасту.
Нова школска 2021-2022 година почиње у недељу 7. новембра. Часови ће почињати око 11:30, након што деца приме Свето Причешће. У будућности ћемо прилагођавати почетак часова са почетком и трајањем Свете Литургије.
Сви заинтересовани родитељи позвани су да нам се што пре јаве како бисмо добили што више информација о малишанима заинтересованим да нам се придруже.
Молимо вас да попуните формулар на линку испод како бисмо добили неке основне податке о нашим будућим ђацима:
Такође позивамо све родитеље да нам се придруже после свете литургије 31, октобра у сали цркве Св. Ђорђа како бисмо вам представили наш план рада, разменили мишљења и саставили листу предлога за даљи рад.
Добро нам дошли!
У Христу Господу,
Чланови Школског одбора
Свештеник – о. Петар Петровић
Учитељице Ђука Шебез и Данијела Зубић
Dear parents, brothers and sisters,
We are inviting all interested parents to contact us and enroll their children in our Serbian school St. George in Cincinnati, OH.
Our overall plan it to teach our children Serbian language and culture as well as basics or our Orthodox faith appropriate to their age level.
The new 2021-2022 school year officially commences on Sunday November 7th. The classes will start around 11:30, after children receive the Holy Communion. Going forward we will be adjusting our schedule according to the Holy Liturgy.
We are inviting all interested parents to contact us asap so we can get clearer picture about our future students so we can start planning accordingly.
Please fill out the form found at the following link so we can collect some basic information about our future students:
Also, please join us on Sunday October 31st in the church hall, after the holy liturgy, for an open chat about our current plan and ideas for the future improvements.
We look forward to seeing you!
School board members,
Priest: Fr. Petar Petrovic
Teachers: Duka Sebez and Danijela Zubic


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St. George Serbian Orthodox Church

Church School 2014 – Off to a Great Start!


            Christ is in our midst!

            On Sunday, September 7, 2014 many children gathered for the beginning of church school at St. George Church. This year we expanded our efforts and reached out to as many interested volunteers as possible to assist with the instruction of church school. From Father’s initial request for volunteers, we had many parishioners respond – willing to devote their time and their talents to the betterment of the church and a strong investment in the children of the parish. Dr. Slobodan and Eileen Stanišić, who have for years volunteered their time to instruct our youth during church school, were joined this year by new teachers/volunteers:

            ·Đuka Šebez                           ·Danijela Zubić                      ·Dajana Fisić              

            ·Gordana Uverici                    ·Nevenka Sajković                 ·Danijela Perić

Father Petar began serving the Divine Liturgy at 10:30 AM, assisted in the Altar by Marko Petrović, Thomas Frazer, Veljko Uverici, and Adam Meador. Joshua Savage greeted all and distributed the Sunday Bulletin as they entered the Church for worship. The choir was bolstered by the presence of some of our out-of-town parishioners, commuting from over one hour away to sing. The choir sang wonderfully, led by Choir Director Nancy Helbich. Adam read the Epistle reading and gave a nice speech on the importance of bringing children to church and the importance of church school. Father ended services with a sermon on the day’s Gospel reading and then proceeded to gather all children in attendance to pray and receive a blessing for the beginning of the new school year.

Following the prayers for the upcoming school year, everyone met in the fellowship hall for light refreshments provided by Diana Shyam and her family. For the children in attendance, pizza was provided by the church and as promised, Father Petar and Protonica Gordana brought ice cream.

How beautiful it was to see so many smiling faces in the fellowship hall to attend church school. We had over 20 children in attendance and we are grateful to the parents that heeded the call to bring their children to church school for an investment in their salvation. To all that could not make it, we invite you to contact our teachers and find out the next time church school will be meeting and come to Divine Liturgy every Sunday at 10:30 AM. To all that came, please continue to come! Our children will be blessed by learning about our Church and its history, not to mention making new friends in the process. There is absolutely nothing else more important than bringing your children to church, for church school and Divine Liturgy. We implore all to consider this request, to understand what is really at stake, and we await you all on Sunday with love in our hearts that we may come together as the Church, to worship God the Creator of all – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! May God bless you and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday!



Христос васкрсе из мртвих, смрћу смрт уништи, и онима који су у гробовима, живот дарова!


In Christ,

Adam Meador



Септембар 1, 2014

Драги родитељи:


                Почетак нове школске године је овде! Веома нас радује да почињемо са новом школском годином где ће наша деца почети да уче, и прошире знање о својој Православној вери. Са нашом богатом верском, библијском и културном традицијом постоје бескрајне могућности за нашу децу да уче, доживе и уживају у нашој вери.

                Наш програм ће бити усмерен, на ученике предшколског и школског узраста, а школски програм обухвата библијске приче , проучавање икона које се односе на те приче, као и учење о нашој литургији и празничним данима. Уједно се надамо да организујемо неке активности и излете ван цркве, како би наши ученици и родитељи могли да уживају заједно.

                Не планирамо да имамо формални процес регистрације, али нам је циљ да ми родитељи оставе њихове

адресе, бројеве телефона и е-mail (електронску пошту), тако да можемо да имамо све податке и информације за

организовано слање поште и комуникацију. Такође молимо за вашу помоћ у процесу образовања. Надамо се, да образовном програму додамо изучавање Српског

језика,читања, културе и истоторије, који ће бити предвођени заинтересованим родитељима.

                Да би смо успели са Црквено Школским програмом, потребна нам је сарадња родитеља. Подстичите вашу децу да учествују у Црквено Школском

програму. Инспиришите их не само речју, већ и сопственим примером. Бићемо

срећни да помогнете и да нам се јавите са вашим предлозима, којећемо радо

прихватити, а који су у вези са часовима и образовањем.

                Часови почињу у 10:20. часова пре подне.

Часови ће се одржати Септембра 7, 14 и 28, 2014

                Наш распоред ће трајати 2-3 недеље месечно и биће објављен у месечном Билтену Цркве,и електронском поштом као подсетник.

               Пошто ми мој распоред рада, често не дозвољава да држим предавања, надам се да ће и остали родитељи добровољно помоћи у настави. Ми већ имамо релативно стандардне планове лекција који ће се користити, а уједно ћемо вам бити захвални уколико ви имате неких идеја или измена. Молим вас да ме контактирате за додатне информације о настави.      


С поштовањем,

Слободан и Илејн Станишић са Школом Српске Православне Цркве светога Ђорђа, свештеником Петром

и учитељима Недљне Школе

 1.Ђука Шебез

2.Данијела Зубић

3.Гордана Уверићи

4.Невенка Шајковић

5.Дајана Фишић

6.Данијела Перић


Пс. Молим Вас, пошаљите ми емаил адресу и телефон тако да лако могу да вас контактирам.


П.С.С. Моја е-mail адреса је        







September 1st, 2014

Dear Parents:

The beginning of the new school year is here!. We are excited to start anew and have our children begin to learn about and explore their Orthodox faith. With our rich religious, biblical and cultural traditions there are endless opportunities for our children to learn, experience, and enjoy our faith.

Our program will continue to focus on preschool and grade school students and our lesion plans include biblical stories and readings, study of icons relating to those stories as well as

learning more about our liturgy and holy days. We even hope to organize some out of church activities and field trips that our students and parents can enjoy together.

We plan on no formal registration process but ask for all parents to please leave their addresses, phone numbers and emails with me so we can have an organized mailing and information flow. We also ask for you assistance in the education process. We hope to add a Serbian language, culture and reading component lead by interested parents

To succeed with the Church School program, we need the cooperation of the parents. Encourage your children to

participate in the Church School program. Inspire them not only by word but also by your own

example. We ask for and are happy to accept any thoughts or assistance with classes and with education.

Classes begin at 10:20 a.m.

Our schedule will include 2-3 Sundays a month and the schedule will be posted monthly in the Church Bulletin as well as emailed as a reminder.

Since my work schedule often will not allow me to teach classes I hope to have other parents

volunteer their time and aid in classes. We have a relatively standardized lesion plan that will be shared and we appreciate any modifications. Please contact me for further information on

We hope to see you and your children on our next Sunday School class.


Sunday, September 7th,14th and 28th 2014.



Slobodan & Eileen Stanisic with St George Serbian Orthodox Church School and Father Petar

and Sunday School Teachers:


1.Djuka Sebez

2.Danijela Zubic

3.Gordana Uverici

4.Dajana Fisic

5.Nevenka Sajkovic

6.Danijela Peric


P.S. Please email me your address, phone and email so we can easily contact you.

P.S.S my   emailaddress is: Email:



What a wonderful sight to see!  Our Sunday School children marching into church with smiles on their faces at 11:30 a.m. on that first Sunday of our new Sunday School for children ages 2 through 6.   With large cardboard Orthodox Crosses worn as necklaces, they proudly came forward to cross themselves and kiss the icon.  Then they took their seat in the front pew.

When Slodoban and Eileen Stanisic proposed the idea of beginning Sunday School for our children, Father Petar and the Board members were excited.  After some research for religious materials and curriculum planning, they held the first class on Sunday, February 3rd. 

Attending were Sophia and Alek Stanisic, children of Eileen and Slobodan Stanisic; Peter, Nicholas and George Bradbury, children of Nada and Peter Bradbury; and Marko Petrovic, son of Lidija and Dusan Petrovic. 

Classes, held in our Church Hall, include stories read to the children, some educational crafts and a snack. As furniture and other materials are still being assembled, the Bradbury Family donated chairs for the children.  The Stanisic Family will donate a table. Slobodan and Eileen will continue to gather educational materials.  Should anyone wish to make a donation toward our Sunday School, please call or see Fr. Petar.

Please check the Monthly Church Calendar for dates in subsequent months.

We very much appreciate Dr.Slobodan and Eileen Stanisic coming forth to begin this important part of our Orthodox Church.


 Nancy Helbich




A Child`s Prayer


Lord Jesus, I thank You for the gift of this new day. When You came to earth for us, You grew as a child in wisdom and grace. As Lord You received children in Your arms. You blessed them and said that Your kingdom belongs to them.

Dear Jesus, receive me also on this day and hear my morning prayer. Bless my parents, teachers and all those who love and care for me. Bless me, also, and protect me from danger and evil. Give me the strength to be truthful, honest, kind and helpful to others. Guide me to grow in grace and wisdom as a member of Your kingdom.You are my Lord and King, and to You I give praise and thanks forever. Amen.


Jesus, my Lord, You received the children who came to You.

Receive me also, Your child, and hear my evening prayer.

Protect me under the shelter of Your wings,that I may sleep in peace.

And awaken me in the morning, that I may glorify You, my loving Lord. Amen.

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