Christ is in our midst!
Let us all come together in this new year of 2014 with revitalized energy, love, and determination so that we can continue to grow our parish and to be a bright light unto the world around us! This starts with our commitment to our role as Stewards within our parish. The only way St. George will one day see its own church building where our Orthodox people can gather and celebrate the Divine Liturgy is if we take it upon ourselves each and every day and make it happen. Over 100 years is a long time to be without a Church building. Our Orthodox faithful have waited far too long and now is the time to make it happen. The only way to truly be fulfilled is by giving your life, your total being to God and His Church. Think about this as you consider becoming a Steward for 2014 - there is work to be done!
God Bless!

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Mathew 6:19 - 21
Without the generous support and efforts of each individual, our parish will be severely challenged to provide its duties to congregation members and our local community. Your support can make a difference in many ways. Donations can simply be in the form of providing your service and time to help make our parish grow; and/or a monetary donation of any amount in which a tax deductible receipt will be issued.
It is the little tasks and chores that make the biggest difference. It is these tasks that go largely un-noticed because we tend to take these things for granted when we attend church. Without the efforts of volunteers, our mission would not be possible.
Here are some ways that you can volunteer your time:
- Get involved in the Church Parish Council or other Church committees
- Join our Choir and/or KSS
- Involve your children in Church School
- Sign up for making the weekly Holy Bread or the cleaning of our parish
- Volunteer your time to help organize our social functions to raise money for a new Church building
- Sponsor a luncheon after Sunday Divine Liturgy or Monthly Bulletin
Monetary Support
Checks can be sent directly to the church office.
- St.George Serbian Orthodox Church
- 5830 Glenview Avenue
- Cincinnati, OH 45224
The church can also accept online donations.
Stewardship Letter
Stewardship Pledge Card
Старатељство Картица Обећања 2013